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Educating and empowering today's Global Mobility Professional for optimal achievement

Transition Assistance

I. Relocation- Dual Career Support Services

Periods of transition often include much uncertainty. For some, it is an invigorating time full of challenges and career/family opportunities. For others, transition can be an unproductive time that is accompanied by feeling disconnected from the family and emotionally unconnected to the present or future. In fact, for most people the transition process includes experiencing some of both, sometimes all in the same day.  Dual Spouses/Partners in a highly fluctuating and changing work environment need a career anchor.

Dual Career Support Services can:

  • Creatively Support  Dual Career Spouses/Partners to make the transition process meaningful to them by allowing them to candidly clarify/refine personal career goals while achieving financial goals
  • Manage the period of time when it seems like nothing is happening or nothing is in their control.
  • Help spouses/partners to develop a deeper understanding of their career goals and help the entire family plan for the future
  • Provide local custom research, resume support and career coaching before, during and after move to help transition to the next job opportunity.

    II. Individual and Family Acclimation Services

    Companies are recognizing the importance of addressing employee and family transitional needs before, during and after the move to ensure a well-adjusted, engaged and productive transferee. Employees are more likely to exhibit loyalty to companies that invest in the overall relationship.

    Transition Support Services provide individual/families:

  • Coaching and research regarding critical decision factors that affect whether the individual/family will make the move
  • Emotional support and extensive personalized community research to facilitate a smooth and successful relocation
  • Coordinated events and services that address common issues for groups of employees relocating to the specific area

    CRC Chicago has members who provide a variety of Transition Support Services including Dual Career Support and Family Acclimation Services. 

    Authored by:

    Bridget Quinn Kadolph – IMPACT Group


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    Corporate Relocation Council - CRC Chicago

    PO BOX 59702

    Schaumburg, Illinois 60159

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